MACHINERY EUROPE s.r.o. z Praha 4:
We are the leading company on the used printing and binding machines market in Central Europe with a tradition that spans almost 20 years.
Vast majority of the machines we offer are permanently placed directly in active operation in printing houses, mainly in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Austria.
We purchase and sell used pre-press, press, post-press machines and also cardboard makers. At the same time, we are capable of providing or mediating other related services.
We have rich experience with the repurchase and supply of used machines not only in Europe, but also worldwide. In the period that our company has been in operation, we have supplied hundreds of machines to min. 35 countries worldwide.
We shall provide you with business and technical advice on any type of machines of varying ages - from small printing machines and their accessories to large format multi-color machines, complicated lines and technological units. We continuously monitor and evaluate the global market, which makes it possible for us to provide you at any time with the most precise market price regardless of whether you are selling or buying.
Why machines and CV? We realized that, in some way, the machines in our offer are like human job applicants. All the machines are at the moment freed from their last services and are searching for the possibility of a new employment. In the machine´s Curriculum Vitae, meet all the information we were able to get.
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